






张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)










张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)





来源:OECD官网    更新时间:2021-12-31 10:01:11    浏览:1885



The Pillar Two Rules in a Nut shell


The Pillar Two Model Rules (also referred to as the “Anti Global Base Erosion” or “GloBE” Rules), released on 20 December 2021, are part of the Two-Pillar Solution to address the tax challenges of the digitalisation of the economy that was agreed by 137 member jurisdictions of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS and endorsed by the G20 Finance Ministers and Leaders in October. They were developed by delegates from all Inclusive Framework member jurisdictions and agreed and approved by consensus.


The Pillar Two Model Rules are designed to ensure large multinational enterprises (MNEs) pay a minimum level of tax on the income arising in each jurisdiction where they operate. The rules run to about 45 pages with another 15 pages of definitions. They are drafted as model rules that provide a template that jurisdictions can translate into domestic law,which should assist them in implementing Pillar Two within the agreed timeframeand in a co-ordinated manner.





The Pillar Two Model Rules consist of 10 chapters. Chapter 1 addresses questions of scope. Chapters 2-5 contain the key operative rules. Chapter 6 deals with mergers and acquisitions. Chapter 7provides special rules that apply to certain tax neutrality and existing distribution tax regimes. Chapter 8 deals with administration, Chapter 9 provides for rules on transition and Chapter 10 contains definitions. As ageneral matter, the Pillar Two Model Rules have been designed to make sure they accommodate a diverse range of tax systems, including different tax consolidation rules, income allocation, entity classification rules etc., aswell rules for specific business structures such as joint ventures and minorityinterests. As such, many of  the specificprovisions of the Pillar Two Model Rules will not apply to all jurisdictions or each individual in- scope MNE.


Taxpayers that either have no foreign presence or that have less than EUR 750 million in consolidated revenues arenot in scope of the Model Rules. In addition, the Pillar Two Model Rules do notapply to government entities, international organisations and non-profitorganisations (preserving domestic tax exemptions for sovereign, non-profit andcharitable entities), nor do they apply to entities that meet the definition ofa pension, investment or real estate fund (preserving the widely shared taxpolicy of not wishing to add an additional layer of taxation between theinvestment and the investor). These entities are excluded even if the MNE groupthey control remains subject to the rules.


Taxpayers in scope of the rules calculatetheir effective tax rate for each jurisdiction where they operate, and paytop-up tax for the difference between their effective tax rate per jurisdictionand the 15% minimum rate. Any resulting top-up tax is generally charged in thejurisdiction of the ultimate parent of the MNE. A de minimis exclusion applieswhere there is a relatively small amount of revenue and income in ajurisdiction. The Pillar Two Model Rules also contemplate the possibility thatjurisdictions introduce their own domestic minimum top-up tax based on theGloBE mechanics, which is then fully creditable against any liability underGloBE, thereby preserving a jurisdiction’s primary right of taxation over itsown income.


Key Operative Rules


Chapters 2-5 set out the key operativeprovisions that every in-scope MNE would apply. An MNE can apply the rules inthe following steps (see also Fact Sheets):


•Calculate the effective tax rate: Chapters 3 and 4 identify the pools of low taxed incomeon a jurisdictional basis. They do this by calculating the income (or loss)under Chapter 3, and the tax attributable to that income under Chapter 4; and


•Calculate the top-up tax: Where there is low taxed income in a jurisdiction, theresulting top-up tax calculation is done under the rules in Chapter 5; and


•Determine the liability for the top-up tax: If top-up tax is owed, the charging provisions in Chapter 2 apply. These provisions describe which entity withinthe MNE will be liable for top-up tax in respect of low taxed income arising ina jurisdiction.


Calculation of the effective tax rate


In order to know if top-up tax is owed,rules are needed to calculate the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) in each jurisdictionwhere the MNE operates. This requires first a calculation of the income, andsecond a calculation of the tax on that income.


Under Chapter 3, the income (or loss) iscalculated based on financial accounts, which provides a base that isharmonised across all jurisdictions. Certain adjustments are needed to betteralign the financial accounts with tax purposes. These have been kept to aminimum and are made where necessary to reflect common permanent differences,such as to remove most dividends and equity gains so that the minimum tax doesnot apply to such income, or to remove expenses disallowed for tax purposessuch as bribes and to correct  prior yearerrors. There is also an exclusion for international shipping income.


Under Chapter 4, the tax attributable tothat income is calculated. It includes income taxes, defined in a way toprovide consistent and flexible recognition across a wide range of tax systems,but does not include non-income based taxes such as indirect taxes, payroll andproperty taxes. Rules are also provided to allocate income taxes which arecharged as a withholding tax or following the application of a ControlledForeign Company (CFC) regime (which are allocated to the entity that earned theunderlying income). The treatment of qualified refundable tax credits (i.e. taxcredits that are refundable within four years) aligns with their currentcharacterisation and treatment for accounting purposes.



Chapter 4 also sets out rules for addressing temporary differences, which arise when income or loss is recognisedin a different year for financial accounting and tax. Rules are needed toaddress this given that the Pillar Two Model Rules rely on the financial accounts for calculating the income (or loss). Given that most business esalready use deferred tax accounting to reconcile differences between financial accounting and tax results, the Pillar Two Model Rules leverage these existing accounting principles to simplify compliance. Certain adjustments are made tothe existing deferred tax accounts to protect the integrity of the Pillar TwoModel Rules. For example, the credit for deferred tax liabilities is capped atthe minimum rate in order to prevent any excess tax sheltering unrelated income. The rules also include a recapture mechanism that adjusts for certaindeferred tax liabilities that have not reversed (i.e. the tax has not actuallybeen paid) within five years. These rules should mean that minimum taxgenerally will not be owed by reason of a timing difference. In addition,because tax losses are tracked through deferred tax accounts, the deferred taxaccounting rules enable the carry-forward of attributes resulting from taxlosses. For businesses that do not wish to apply deferred tax accounting rulesin a jurisdiction, an election is available instead to apply a simplifiedmethodology whereby GloBE losses are effectively carried forward.

第4章还规定了处理暂时性差异的规则,这种差异是在财务会计和税收的不同年度确认收入或亏损时产生的。鉴于支柱二模型规则依赖于财务账目来计算收入(或亏损),因此需要制定规则来解决这个问题。鉴于大多数企业已经使用递延所得税会计来协调财务会计和税收结果之间的差异,支柱二模型规则就利用这些现有的会计原则来简化合规性。对现有递延所得税科目进行了某些调整,以保护支柱二模型规则的完整性。例如,递延所得税负债的抵免上限为最低税率,以防止任何多余的税收庇护无关收入。该规则还包括一个转回机制(recapture mechanism),该机制对某些五年内未转回(即税款尚未实际支付)的递延所得税负债进行调整。这些规则意味着最低税一般不会因时间差异而被欠缴。此外,由于税收损失是通过递延所得税科目追踪的,递延所得税会计规则允许结转因税收损失产生的属性。对于不希望在某个辖区应用递延所得税会计规则的企业,可以选择采用一种简化的方法,从而有效地结转GloBE损失。

Calculation of the top-up tax


Once the effective tax rate is calculated(i.e. the tax divided by the income, and aggregated on a per jurisdictionbasis), Chapter 5 then determines how much top-up tax is owed. The rate of taxowed is the difference between the 15% minimum rate and the ETR in thejurisdiction. That top-up tax percentage is then applied to the GloBE income inthe jurisdiction, after deducting a substance based income exclusion. Thesubstance based income exclusion reduces the exposure to the minimum tax and iscalculated as a percentage mark-up on tangible assets and payroll costs.Finally, if a jurisdiction has a domestic minimum tax that is consistent withthe Pillar Two Model Rules, such domestic tax is credited against any PillarTwo minimum tax liability.


Determination of the group entity liablefor the top-up tax


A liability to top-up tax for a member ofan in-scope MNE group arises under two types of provisions contained in Chapter2. The primary rule is the Income Inclusion Rule (IIR). Under the IIR, theminimum tax is paid at the level of the parent entity, in proportion to itsownership interests in those entities that have low taxed income. Generally,the IIR is applied at the top, at the level of the ultimate parent entity, andworks its way down the ownership chain. Rules are also provided to allow theIIR to be applied by a parent entity in which there is a significant minorityinterest, to minimise leakage of low taxed income.


A backstop is needed to ensure the minimum tax is paid where an entity with low taxed income is held through a chain ofownership that does not result in the low-taxed income being brought intocharge under an IIR. This backstop is the UTPR. This rule works by requiring anadjustment (such as a denial of a deduction) that increases the tax at thelevel of the subsidiary. The adjustment is an amount sufficient to result inthe group entities paying their share of the top-up tax remaining after theIIR. The share of the top-up tax is calculated based on a formula, inproportion to the relative share of assets and employees. This helps to ensurethe rule is administrable, but also attaches the adjustment to entities thatare most likely to have the capacity to pay the required amount of top-up tax.


The same calculations under Chapter 5 areapplied whether the top-up tax is being charged under the IIR or the UTPR, toensure co-ordinated outcomes. However, given that there will typically be subsidiaries in several different jurisdictions, the UTPR requires a higher level of administrative co-operation, which underlines the importance of the standardised information reporting requirements contained in Chapter 8. It isalso one of the reasons the UTPR is a backstop rather than the primary rule.





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