






张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)










张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)





来源:清远税务    更新时间:2020-09-09 09:23:00    浏览:1147


What is the policy on temporarilydeferring withholding tax on profits distributed to foreign investorsused for direct investment?


According to the Corporate IncomeTax Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) and Implementation Regulations forthe Corporate Income Tax Law of PRC, foreign investors need to pay withholdingtaxes on their dividend income from the foreign invested enterprises, as wellas their other income from China. Under current regulations and practices,foreign investors' dividend incomes are generally subject to a 10% withholdingtax, unless there are applicable any other discounted rates under bilateraltaxation treaties between China and the foreign investors home jurisdiction.


In order to encourage foreigninvestors to expand investment in China and to improve the business environmentfor foreign invested enterprises, tax policy was issued to encourage foreigninvestors to reinvest the dividend income portion from their foreign investedenterprises.


Foreign investors who havere-invested directly in investment projects in compliance with certain other conditionsusing dividend income from distributed profits paid by resident enterprises inChina on or after January 1, 2017, may apply for the deferred tax policy totemporarily suspend the withholding income tax.


What are the pertinent documentson temporarily deferring withholding tax?



Circular on Policy on TemporarilyDeferring Withholding Tax for Direct Investment with Distributed Profits byForeign Investors(Cai Shui [2017] No.88, hereinafter referred to as"Circular 88").

Announcement on the ImplementationofPolicy on Temporarily Deferring WithholdingTax for Direct Investment with Distributed Profits by Foreign Investors(Announcement of State Taxation Administration (STA) [2018] No. 3, hereinafterreferred to as "Announcement3"), which contains the implementationguidance for Circular 88.

Foreign investors’ dividend income from distributed profits paid byresident enterprises in China from January 1, 2017 to December 31,2017 whichare used for direct reinvestment in encouraged projects that complied withcertain other conditions, may apply to "Circular 88" and"Announcement3" and benefit from the deferred tax policy, thewithholding income tax may be temporarily suspended.



Circular on Extending theApplication Scope of Temporarily Deferring Withholding Tax for DirectInvestment with Distributed Profits by Foreign Investors (Cai Shui [2018]No.102, hereinafter referred to as "Circular 102").

Announcement on the ApplicationScope of Temporarily Deferring Withholding Tax on Profits Distributed toForeign Investors Used for Direct Investment.(Announcement of STA [2018] No.53,hereinafter referred to as "Announcement53") .

Foreign investors’ dividend income from distributed profits paid by residententerprises in China on or after January 1, 2018 which are used for directreinvestment in non-forbidden projects that complied with certain otherconditions, may apply to "Circular 102" and "Announcement53"and benefit from the deferred tax policy, the withholding income tax may betemporarilysuspended.


Does the deferred tax policy applyto all the foreign investors?


The deferred tax policy applies toonly non-resident enterprises, as defined in the Corporate Income Tax Law ofPRC.

This means that if the foreignindividuals directly hold the equities of the foreign invested enterprises,they are ineligible for the preferential policy specified under the Circular,which do not apply to foreign individuals.


What other compliance conditionsapply to the deferred tax policy?


Profit distributions received byforeign investors from resident enterprises in China that are directlyreinvested in encouraged investment projects in China will be eligible for adeferral of the 10% withholding tax on the distribution profits, provided thatthere is compliance with the following four conditions relating to the form ofinvestment, the source of the profits, the route of the reinvestment and thescope of the reinvestment.


a) The distributed profits must beused in a “direct equityinvestment” such as the following:

• Increasing the paid-in capital or capital reserves ofan existing resident enterprise in China by a new capital injection or bytransferring retained earnings to capital;

• Setting up a new resident enterprise in China;

• Acquiring an equity interest in an existing residententerprise in China by an unrelated party;

• Other forms of investment as specified by theMinistry of Finance or State Taxation Administration.


b) The distributed profits (cashor non-cash assets) derived by the foreign investor must be dividends or otherequity investments income arising from the actual distribution of the retained earningsrealized by the resident enterprise in China, including undistributed earningsfrom previous years.


c) The funds or non-cash assetsused for reinvestment must be transferred directly from the profit distributingenterprise to the invested enterprise or equity tranferor. Foreign investorsshould take note of this strict requirement, because failure to comply mayresult in the foreign investor's ineligibility for a tax deferral.


d) The reinvestment must be adirect investment in non-forbidden investment projects.Further, during the termof the reinvestment, the invested enterprise must not be engaged in business activitiesthat fall within the forbidden scope of foreign investment industries listed inthe Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (updatededition).


Do the distributed profits whichare made a supplementary payment to the previously promised registered capitalby foreign investors qualify for the deferred tax policy?


The distributed profits which aremade as supplementary payment to the previously promised registered capital byforeign investors belong to the new capital injection, c.f. transferringretained earnings to capital in “Circular88” and “Circular 102”.If all conditionsare complied with, a deferral of the withholding tax on the distributed profitscan be applied.


What are the procedures forapplication of tax deferral?


To benefit from the tax deferral,foreign investors, Chinese profit-distributing enterprises and the taxauthorities in charge of the profit-distributing enterprise must follow certainprocedures:




a)Foreign investor

The foreign investormust complete his part of the form “InformationReporting Form for Non-resident Enterprises Deferring Withholding Tax ”(hereinafterreferred to as the “WHT deferral form”) and submit

the form to the profitdistributing enterprise.

In terms of the evidence showingthat the reinvestment falls within the scope of the above catalogues during theterm of the reinvestment, the foreign investor must submit the evidence to thetax authorities in charge of the profit-distributing entity either before itexits the reinvestment or when it actually pays the deferred tax.

Such evidence can be in the formof transaction documentation, financial accounting data, etc.




在实际支付利润之日起 7 日内,向主管税务机关提交以下资料备案:



b) Profit-distributing enterprise

Theprofit-distributing enterprise must review the WHT deferral form provided bythe foreign investor and verify the following information:

 That the informationprovided by the foreign investor in the WHT deferral form is accurate andcomplete; That the actual payment process relating to the profits is in linewith the information provided by the foreign investor; and That the informationabout the profit-distributing enterprise as described by the foreign investoris accurate.

Theprofit-distributing enterprise must complete the relevant sections in the WHTdeferral form that apply to it(e.g. whether the dividends were distributed incash or in kind). Within seven days from the date the profits were distributed,the profit-distributing enterprise must submit the WHT deferral form, aswell as a completed enterprise income tax withholding formto the taxauthorities.


When must the deferred tax bepaid?


境外投资者通过股权转让、回购、清算等方式实际收回享受暂不征收预提所得税政策待遇的直接投资,应在实际收取相应款项后 7 日内申报补缴税款;被投资企业重组,进行特殊性税务处理的,境外投资者可以继续享受递延纳税优惠;


a)The foreign investor exits from the reinvestment

If a foreign investorexits from a reinvestment that has benefited from the deferral of withholdingtax, either by an equity transfer, share repurchase, liquidation or otherwise,it will be required to pay the deferred withholding tax within seven days fromthe date it receives the relevant payment.

If the investedenterprise undergoes a special reorganization that qualifies for tax deferral,the foreign investor can continue to benefit from the deferral policy.

If the foreigninvestor disposes of an investment that has partially deferred the withholdingtax , the foreign investor will be deemed to dispose of the investmentthat has deferred the withholding tax first.




b)The tax authorities determinethat a foreign

investor that deferred thewithholding tax has not satisfied all the relevant conditions in follow-upinspections:

If the situation iscaused by the profit-distributing

enterprise (e.g. failure to verifythe information provided by the foreign investor in the WHT deferral form), thetax authorities will hold that enterprise liable for failure to withhold taxand then demand recovery of the withholding tax from the foreign investor.

If the situation is caused by theforeign investor (e.g. Providing incorrect information), the foreign investorwill be deemed to have not filed or paid tax due, and an overdue period for taxpayment will be counted beginning from the date of the profit distribution.


Should foreign investors file theprofits distributed for direct investment with the tax authority for outboundpayment?


According to the Announcement onTax Filing Concerning Outbound Payment under Service and Trade (Announcementissued by State Administration of Exchange Control and STA [2013] No. 40.),foreign investors should file the relevant documents with the tax authority forfuture reference.


May foreign investors’already-paid withholding tax on distributed profits apply to the deferralpolicy?


Foreign investors that qualify forthe deferral, but that already have paid withholding tax on distributed profitsmay apply for the deferral and request a refund of the tax paid withinthree years from the date the tax was paid.


Foreign investors applying for aretroactive application of the withholding tax deferral must submit to the taxauthorities in charge of the profit-distributing enterprise the WHT deferralform, the relevant contract, the payment certificate, information related totheinvestment project activities, and any other information required by theprovincial tax authorities.


May foreign investors paying thedeferred withholding tax apply for tax treaty benefits?


Foreign investors paying thedeferred withholding tax may apply for tax treaty benefits. Theapplicable tax treaty in such cases will be the treaty in effect at the timethe relevant dividends were paid unless provided otherwise in a subsequentlyconcluded treaty.

According to the Announcement onMeasures for Non-resident Taxpayers to Apply for Tax Treaty Benefits,(Announcement of STA [2019] No.35),foreign investors should file the relevantdocuments for future reference.



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