






张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)










张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)





来源:TAXNOTES    更新时间:2023-01-13 10:37:29    浏览:1228


The OECD has laid out a vision for applying pillar 1 tax certainty principles to many cross-border disputes and challenges involving multinationals and tax authorities that could include real-time information exchanges.


In a May 20 report to the G7 finance ministers and central bank governors, the OECD set out a potential framework for cross-border cooperation in corporate tax that could enable taxpayers to compile and submit data just once and allow real-time information exchange between tax authorities.


G7 finance ministers and central bank governors, in a May 20 communique, reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the two-pillar plan for modernizing the international corporate tax rules for the digital age. One-hundred thirty-seven jurisdictions in the 141-member G-20/OECD inclusive framework on base erosion and profit shifting backed a political statement on the plan in 2021 and are working within a tight time frame to implement the rules by 2023.


Pillar 1 calls for a formulaic reallocation of residual profits that the largest multinational enterprises earn in countries where their consumers are located even if they lack a permanent establishment. The market jurisdictions would then be able to tax those profits under a taxing right called amount A. Amount A rules would apply to MNEs whose consolidated group revenue exceeds €20 billion and whose profitability exceeds 10 percent. The turnover threshold would decrease to €10 billion depending on the outcome of a review of the amount A rules, starting seven years after the rules enter into force.


Pillar 1 also calls for amount B, a fixed return for baseline marketing and distribution activities in market jurisdictions, in line with the arm’s-length standard. Pillar 2 calls for a global minimum effective tax rate based on global anti-base-erosion rules.

支柱一还要求金额 B ,即市场辖区基础营销和分销活动的固定回报,符合独立交易标准。支柱二要求基于全球反税基侵蚀规则制定全球最低有效税率。

The two-pillar plan has been designed to promote standardized and single filing so that taxpayers need to compile and submit data only once. That data would then be accessible and shared across relevant tax administrations, the OECD report says.


The manner of information exchange could “evolve over time” to “more real-time models,” use of electronic data rooms, and possible use of blockchain and other emerging technologies, according to the report. Real-time information filing and exchange models could potentially be expanded to relevant transfer pricing rules or other domestic rules based on a common standard, such as imported hybrid mismatch rules or common interest limitation rules, the report says.


The OECD is working through its Forum on Tax Administration to develop technical solutions to processes used in real-time multilateral interactions between tax administrations, such as sharing documentation and holding virtual meetings to discuss confidential taxpayer information, according to the report.


Governments implementing the two-pillar plan could study “how the technical solutions for the sharing [of] information and the organization of virtual meetings could also be relied upon for the interactions between tax administrations and taxpayers, including, for instance, for documentation to be submitted as part of the early tax certainty process under pillar 1,” the report says.


The report says tax authorities could also support administration of the two-pillar plan using digital infrastructure. In the case of pillar 1’s tax certainty panels, tax administrations could use secure communication channels for their video conferences and have the ability to interact through such channels “as needed throughout the process,” the report says.


Collaborative risk assessment and risk treatment approaches that are expected to be folded into pillar 1 rules could also be applied to the administration of pillar 2, the report says. Countries should undertake an impact assessment on whether existing rules would be duplicative of the two-pillar plan, as in the case of antiabuse measures and pillar 2, it says.


A potential coordinated risk assessment process could start with the largest groups that have the biggest risk potential across multiple jurisdictions, the report says. Transfer pricing and PE risk assessments could focus on groups in scope of amount A and gradually expand the scope over time, it says.


Pillar 1: Slow and Steady Wins the Race


Speaking at a May 19 symposium hosted by the Tax Council Policy Institute, Fabrizia Lapecorella, director general of finance at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, said the timeline for publishing a multilateral convention that would implement new profit allocation and nexus rules under the two-pillar global tax reform plan may be a bit longer than anticipated.  

意大利经济和财政部财政司司长法布里Fabrizia Lapecorella在 5 月 19 日由税务委员会政策研究所主办的研讨会上表示,在双支柱全球税收改革计划下,发布一项多边公约以实施新的利润分配和联结度规则的时间可能比预期的要长一些。

“I see the quality of the work as the best premise on which successful implementation is to be based,” Lapecorella said in an email to Tax Notes. She added that it would not be “a big deal” and that it won’t affect the political agreement. The multilateral convention’s text and explanatory statement were expected to be signed by mid-2022.  

“我认为工作质量是成功实施的最佳前提,”Lapecorella在给Tax Notes的电子邮件中说。她补充说,这不会是“大事”,也不会影响政治协议。多边公约的文本和解释性声明预计将于2022年年中签署。

Lapecorella also serves as the co-chair of the BEPS inclusive framework, which is responsible for developing and approving the global tax overhaul. The inclusive framework has directed the Task Force on the Digital Economy to develop the amount A model rules and related commentary as well as a multilateral convention and explanatory statement.

Lapecorella还担任 BEPS包容性框架的联合主席,负责制定和批准全球税收改革。包容性框架已指示数字经济工作组制定金额A立法模板和相关注释以及多边公约和解释性声明。

Despite the possible delay, Lapecorella assured that “in any case, we will deliver at a time still compatible with the political ambition to have the rules for both pillars completed for next year.”


As part of that work, the OECD is carrying out what it describes as a “rolling consultation” on draft model rules for pillar 1 as countries race to finalize the two-pillar tax reform plan. So far, the consultations have covered amount A’s scope, revenue sourcing and nexus rules, tax base determination rules, an extractives carveout, and a financial services exemption. Future consultations will focus on issues like double taxation relief under amount A and a marketing and distribution profits safe harbor.


Business stakeholders have also asked for a chance to comment on the full set of pillar 1 rules, and the United States wants businesses to have this opportunity.


“We need to respond to the needs of the United States,” Lapecorella said at the symposium. She said the inclusive framework is working “full steam to complete the work and to deliver an output that is as solid as possible, in order to engage in a consultation with all the stakeholders.”





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