美国证券交易所公司(AMEX);马德里博尔萨;Euronext N.V.:阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、都柏林、里斯本、米兰、奥斯陆和巴黎;香港交易及结算所;伦敦证券交易所;纳斯达克;纳斯达克北欧;纽约证券交易所;纽约证券交易所;纽约证券交易所;奥斯陆证券交易所;圣保罗证券交易所;新加坡交易所;东京证券交易所;多伦多证券交易所;伦多多伦多证券交易所创业板等。
NEWS:Colombia Sets List of Recognized Stock Exchanges for Purposes of Determining Effective Place of Management of Foreign Entities
The National Tax Authority has provided a list of recognized stock exchanges, which is relevant for determining the effective place of management of foreign entities (see Note below).
The list is as follows:
American Stock Exchange, Inc. (AMEX);
Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago (SSE);
Bolsa de Madrid;
Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC);
Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL);
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV);
Deutsche Börse A.G. - Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Amtlicher Handel;
Euronext N.V.: Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisboa, Milan, Oslo and Paris;
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx);
London AIM (Alternative Investment Market);
London Stock Exchange plc (LSE);
Nasdaq Nordic;
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE);
Oslo Stock Exchange;
São Paulo Stock Exchange (BVSP);
Singapore Exchange (SGX);
SWX Swiss Exchange;
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE);
Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX); and
TSX Venture Exchange de Toronto.
The list was introduced by Administrative Ordinance No. 4 of 14 January 2022.
Note: If a foreign entity has its effective place of management in Colombia, it is considered a Colombian resident for tax purposes, and, as such, is subject to income tax on its worldwide income. Nonetheless, a foreign entity is not considered to have its effective place of management in Colombia if it issues bonds or shares on either the Colombian Stock Exchange or on a recognized stock exchange as provided by an administrative ordinance issued by the National Tax Authority.