






张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)










张学斌 董事长(转让定价税务服务)




谢维潮 高级合伙人(转让定价税务服务)




王理 合伙人高级经理(审计及高新、软件企业认定服务)




刘琴 合伙人高级经理(企业税务鉴证服务)





来源:原创    更新时间:2022-03-31 15:14:25    浏览:1316



A Review of Our Work in 2021


We refined and implemented policies for easing the difficulties of businesses and consolidated the foundation of economic recovery. As over one hundred million market entities have given several hundred million people the opportunity to go into business or secure employment, we have continued with the supportive macro-policy roadmaps and approaches that have proved effective since the epidemic began.Tax and fee reductions introduced last yeartotaled more than one trillion yuan. In addition, tax payments were postponed for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in manufacturing as well ascoal-fired power plants and heating-supply enterprises as a temporary measure.Tax and fee reductions have proved a direct and effective way of helping enterprise sease their difficulties. In reality, they also help nurture business growth andcultivate sources of tax revenue. Last year, revenue generated from taxpayingmarket entities registered since 2013 reached 4.76 trillion yuan.We strengthened the capacity of railway, highway,aviation and maritime transportation as well as harbors. We boosted the creditsupply to industries and enterprises severely affected by Covid-19. We continued policies for micro and small businesses to defer principal and interest repayments on loans and take out more collateral-free loans. Inclusive finance lending by large commercial banks to micro and small businesses increased by more than 40 percent, and overall financing costs of businesses dropped steadily.


We promoted innovation-driven development and stabilized industrial and supply chains.We boosted the development of national laboratories and promoted implementation of major science and technology programs. We reformed and refined the management of central government funding for scientific and technological research, increased the proportion of indirect expenses for research projects, and gave institutes more decision-making powerover their research.We continued the additional tax deduction for R&D expenses and increased this deduction to cover 100 percent of suchexpenses for manufacturing enterprises. Intellectual property right protection was strengthened. Weak links in the industrial chains of key industries were reinforced and upgraded. Digital and smart technologies were adopted intraditional industries at a faster rate, and emerging industries maintained good momentum for development.


Major Tasks for 2022


We will strengthen the employment-first policy. We will work to broaden the employment channels, promote employment stability by keeping the operations of market entities stable, and harness the role of business startups in boosting employment. Fiscal and financial policies will facilitate implementation of the employment-first policy, and greater support will be provided for enterprises to stabilize and expand employment. All dedicated employment policies will be strengthened and improved, and we willresolutely act to over haul or abolish excessive restrictions on employment andbusiness startups. All local governments must use every possible means to stabilize employment and expand it further.


We will implement a new package of tax-and-fee policies to support enterprises. We will continue to take temporary steps and institutional measures and apply policies for both tax reductions and refunds.First, we will extend tax and fee reduction policies that support manufacturing, micro and small enterprises and self-employed individuals, and expand the scale and scope of these policies. Atemporary exemption on VAT payments will be granted to small taxpayers.Corporate income tax on annual taxable income of between one million and three million yuan will be halved once again for micro and small enterprises. Local governments should also adopt effective tax-and-fee reduction steps based on local conditions and in accordance with the law to maintain the scale of tax-and-fee reductions and keep market expectations stable.Second, to improve the cash flow of enterprises,promote consumption-driven investment, and further improve the system for refunding VAT credits, we will issue VAT credit refunds on a big scale this year. We will give priority to micro and small enterprises, refunding outstanding VAT credits to them in one lump sum by the end of June, while also fully refunding newly added credits. With a focus on supporting manufacturing,we will work to fully resolve problems in refunding VAT credits in manufacturing, research and technical services, environmental protection,electricity and gas, and transportation industries. Such a substantial increasein VAT credit refunds will help strongly boost market confidence.Tax refunds and cuts are expected to total 2.5trillion yuan this year. VAT credit refunds will account for 1.5 trillion yuan of this sum and all go straight to enterprises. The central government will provide greater fiscal support for local governments and allocate fiscal subsidies directly to the prefecture and county levels. Local governments and relevant departments should develop sound systems to allocate funds more effectively. We must ensure that the critically important policy of tax refundsand cuts takes full effect, in order to provide enterprises with timelyassistance and help them generate fresh vitality.


We will encourage the financial sector to provide more effective support to the real economy. We will make good use of instruments to support inclusive loans to micro and small businesses, and increase re-lending for agricultural and small enterprises. We will strengthen supervision and assessment to promote a marked increase in inclusive loans to micro and small businesses and a further rise in the proportion of collateral-free loans and first-time loans. We will see that financial institutions have a good understanding of credit policies, ensure continued financing support for industries and enterprises hit hard by Covid-19, and prevent industry-wide lending restrictions, forced early repayment of loans,and arbitrary termination of loan agreements. We will make good use of policy-backed anddevelopment finance. We will promote the sharing of enterprise credit information and move faster to achieve information sharing between financial institutions and tax offices, customs, electric utilities and other agencies.The government financing guaranty will be expanded to cover more micro and small businesses. We will strive to create a favorable financing environment and help resolve the financing difficulties of enterprises in the real economy,especially MSMEs.


We will fully implement all measures to stabilize employment. Temporary policies such as reductions to premiums for unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation will be extended. We will continue the policy of refunding unemployment insurance premiums for enterprises that make no cuts or minimal cuts to staff numbers, with a marked increase in the proportion of refunds going to MSMEs.Over 10 million students are due to graduate fromcollege this year, and we will give our graduates stronger policy support and uninterrupted services to ensure they can find jobs or start businesses. We will help ex-service members get resettled and re-employed, broaden employmentchannels for rural migrant workers, and assist people with disabilities and members of zero-employment families in securing jobs.We will do more to promote business startups and innovation initiatives, and improve the service capacity of entrepreneurship and innovation platforms. We will improve social security policies concerningflexible employment, and launch trials of occupational injury insurance forpeople in new forms of employment. We will work hard to prevent and stop gender and age discrimination in employment, and focus on addressing acute issues that are infringing upon employees’ lawful rights and interests.We will make public employment services more targeted. We will continue to carry out vocational skills training on a largescale and establish a number of public training bases through joint construction and sharing initiatives. A total of 100 billion yuan from the unemployment insurance fund will be used to support enterprises in maintaining stable payrolls and providing training programs, and we will speed up training of skilled workers who are urgently needed to promote high-quality developmentof manufacturing. These efforts will enable more workers to acquire marketable skills and large numbers of talented people to come to the fore in all sectors.


We will advance reforms of the fiscal, taxation,and financial systems. We will further reform the performance-based budgetary management and strengthen budgetary constraints and transparency. Reform will be carried out in fiscal systems below the provincial level. We will improvethe tax collection and administration system and crack down on tax evasion and fraud in accordance with the law. We will strengthen and refine financial regulation, further reform the equity structures and corporate governance of small and medium banks, and move faster to deal with nonperforming assets. We will improve the system for supporting debt financing by private enterprises,achieve full implementation of the registration-based IPO system, and promote steady and sound development of the capital market.


We will provide stronger incentives to promote innovation among enterprises. We will reinforce the principal position of enterprises in innovation, continue promoting breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields, and promote greater synergy between industry,academia, research, and application. We will strengthen intellectual property rights protection and application. We will promote the development of venture capital, develop new financial products and services to support scientific and technological development, and upgrade intermediary services for science and technology. We will enhance the policy on granting additional tax deductions for R&D costs, raising the deduction coverage for small and medium sci-tech enterprises from 75 percent to 100 percent. We will grant tax breaks to enterprises that invest in basic research, and improve our policies on accelerated depreciation of equipment and tools and on preferential corporate income tax for new- and high-tech enterprises. All these measures amount to a large injection of government funding to support enterprises’ innovation endeavors. We must fully implement all policy incentives for innovation to encourage enterprises to invest more in R&D and thus generate and build up new drivers of growth.


We will adopt a package of steps to stabilize foreign trade. We will expand the coverage of export credit insurance formicro, small and medium foreign trade firms, strengthen export credit support,refine foreign exchange services, expedite the process for export rebates, and help foreign trade enterprises receive orders and maintain production. We will move faster to develop new forms and models of foreign trade, give full play tothe role of cross-border e-commerce, and support the establishment of a number of overseas warehouses. We will actively increase imports of quality products and services. We will explore new ways to develop trade in services and digital trade, and implement a negative list for cross-border trade inservices. The reform to simplify customs clearance will be deepened, and the building of an international logistic services system will be accelerated to help lower costs and raise efficiency in foreign trade.


We will improve social security and social services. We will work steadily toward national unified management of basicold-age insurance funds for enterprise employees, appropriately raise the basic pensions for retirees and basic old-age benefits for rural and non-working urban residents, and ensure that these payments are made on time and in full.We will continue to regulate development of private pensions as the third pillar. We will move faster to promote unified management of workers’compensation funds and unemployment insurance funds at the provincial level. We will see that service members and their families, ex-service members, and otherentitled groups receive the benefits and subsidies they are entitled to. We will proactively respond to population aging,improve elderly care in urban and rural areas, support private entities inproviding elderly care services such as day care, assistance with meals and cleaning, and rehabilitation care, and encourage mutual-assistance elderly carein rural areas. We will promote high-quality development of both elderly careprograms and the elderly care sector. We will improve the supporting measures for the three-child policy, make care expenses for children under three part of the special additional deductions for individual income tax, and developpublic-interest childcare services to ease the burden of raising a family. We will step up protection of minors, strengthen disability prevention, and provide better rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. We will domore to meet the people’s basic needs, strengthen assistance to people indifficulty, and ensure that our social safety net provides support and assistance to everyone who needs it.



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